

Simply Stylist Loves BlingGuard

BlingGuard offers the most effective and comfortable products to make your jewelry look and feel fabulous. BlingWraps are technologically advanced invisible ring guards. This innovative solution to ring resizing helps keep jewelry from twisting, turning or sliding by adding 1+ ring sizes to your finger. Since a ring size adjuster should never be seen, BlingWraps use a patented “padlock” design that is invisible and fits securely beneath your ring to keep it in place. For most ring sizes. BlingDots, earring supports and stabilizers ensure your earrings are comfortable, perfectly positioned and looking fabulous. Our hypoallergenic foam provides comfort and support to your ear lobes – while lifting the earrings up on your ears.  Earrings no longer droop or fall forward. Best of all, BlingDots greatly relieve the weight of the earrings and help stop your ear lobes from stretching. For all earring types.


Check out the BlingGuard Cocktail Party on

One of the bloggers that attended our recent cocktail party had this to say:

I know one of these has happened to you - your earring suddenly falls off and then you notice, the back is gone so you grab a pencil eraser (we all remember that); maybe you own a pair of chandelier earrings that are just too heavy to wear (droopy earlobes are not sexy); or maybe your rings dances around your finger. These are my experiences with some of my jewelry, or should I say, they were. Thanks to the wonderful "fashion fix-it", BlingGuard, I no longer have to deface pencils, get rid of my heavy earrings or do what I call the "ring twist".

Union man returns lost engagement ring to newlywed on N.J. beach

A New Jersey newlywed has her engagement ring back after she lost it at the beach two weeks ago. Carly Booth, whose husband is a Margate lifeguard, lost the ring on the beach two weeks ago. The story traveled widely enough that when Don Spivack of Union felt something by his toe on Sunday and reached down to discover the ring sparkling in the sand, he knew it must be Booth's. He kindly returned the ring to the couple; alas, the wedding band remains missing.

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